Week 1

Background info:

Welcome! My name is Nivedha and I recently finished my first year at Georgia State University. My major is Computer Science. As you saw on my Homepage my project is titled Test suite for a Roxie cluster on Kubernetes. My project primarily focuses on the Roxie cluster environment and it involves adapting test suites to work with containers and running them on different cloud setups, such as using different storage types, cluster sizes, and Kubernetes Node sizes.

Some tasks performed during the week

To start off, I met with my mentors Mr. Attila and Mr. Krishna to go over my project plan and see how the internship is going to span out. Then I installed the ECL IDE, Docker Desktop, Kubetcl, and Helm on my system to use for the upcoming weeks. Then I primarily focused on watching the ECL training videos to get a better understanding of the ECL Language. So, I spent most of my time watching the videos and learning the syntax. I also ran a couple of ECL files on the Thor and Roxie cluster to familiarize myself with the ECL Watch and the ECL IDE. During one of the daily meetings, my mentor Mr.Krishna helped me run a query on the Roxie cluster. So first, we imported the ECL file on the Builder section then changed the Target to Roxie

Next, we went over to the Enterprise Services Platform (ESP) which allows you to execute the Roxie queries and see the results. In the picture below, we can see that Roxie has the citiesbystatesearch file loaded on the cluster and it allows the user to input their desired city, county, state, and/or uniquerecords (can be set to true to avoid duplicates)

Once the user hits submit, the Roxie cluster outputs all the data relevant to the state of Georgia without printing duplicates.

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